Good Content as an essential part of SEO
The Internet has opened up a whole new world to us in many different ways, combining the minds of people around the world in a collective that we couldn’t even begin to imagine around ten years ago. Due to its nature as an amalgam of human psyches that are constantly in conflict with each other, it has evolved very rapidly, and so have we through using it. Our needs evolve, the way use the Internet for marketing has changed, but even though the technology has become more advanced, we have actually become much more human-centred.
Take a look at how SEO has changed.
The very name – Search Engine Optimization – implies no human component whatsoever. We are selling some kind of product that we want to be visible on the Internet, so that it can be found, sold, and profit can be made. It used to be that just loading our pages with key words is enough, no matter how little sense they made. After all, what’s matters is that we can be found, right?
It turns out that isn’t really the case, however. Various people have found this an easy system to abuse, therefore conning people to enter their website for clicks, even if it wasn’t completely related to what they were looking for. We remembered to promote our pages, our products that we wanted to sell, but we forgot about a factor that is actually the most important factor in any area, not just SEO – humanity.
Content is what lets our pages become something much more than a simple collection of key terms.
Content is what attracts people to our page and makes them stay, come back, and recommend it. By creating pages that read well and present whatever they set out to present in an engrossing manner, it is bound to become more memorable and leave the viewer wanting for more. By tapping into that basic human instinct that is curiosity and desire for more of the same pleasurable thing, we can make the amount of clicks increase at an increased rate without resorting to underhanded tactics.
Watch the Video ” Content Marketing Strategy”
Click here to watch
And that’s how you can not only become, but also stay visible.
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