How Does a Blog Contribute to Better Ranking on Search Engines for Your Online Store?
In this week’s blog post, we’ll try to answer the pressing question many business owners ask themselves as they are starting up: why do I need a blog?
There is practically no industry where it would be impossible to create extensive blog content. There are always topics and happening for you to explore and comment on.
These give you the opportunity to explore aspects of your business, organically market your products, and display your expertise.
Aside from all that, there’s one primary reason that trumps all others which makes us recommend creating a blog: it increases your visibility on search engines.
- Increasing brand visibility and establishing the site as an authority in the field: by churning out a constant stream of high-quality, informative articles on the site, you’ll be able to establish your business as an authority in the niche. This will help you establish your brand and generate more interest.
- A natural way to expound on your services/products: most potential clients don’t have the time to read 500 words on a single product; by naturally adding your products to your blog posts, however, you can organically generate interest in your products and target specific keywords.
- A good and substantive blog gives you the opportunity to gain access to social networking sites, industry services, forums.
- In specific cases, you can create articles that answer the most frequently asked questions regarding services/products you offer, which will help build trust among potential clients.
What Should You Keep in Mind When Creating a Blog? 
#1 Consistent Schedule
Blogging is about consistency and perseverance – as you start out, your brain will likely be buzzing with topic ideas you’re itching to write about and explore. But you must avoid the amateur mistake of dumping all of these interesting articles in the first few weeks of your blog’s lifespan. It is much more important to stay consistent and ensure there’s a constant stream of high-quality content over a period of months, and even years.
#2 Product Placement and Internal Linking
You have to always remember that your goal is not to only write interesting and informative pieces, but you have to find ways to creatively advertise your products and link back to your services. This is a crucial part of running a successful blog if you want to increase sales.
#3 Blog Design
The way you design your blog also influences how readers will perceive it, whether they’ll continue browsing your site, and how trustworthy the content appears to them. You need a design that makes the content easy to read and has ways for the reader to easily browse related, interesting content.
Don’t Dillydally and Start Creating a Blog Now
You don’t need specialized staff to create the content: after designing a blog section for your website, you just need conscientiousness, consistency and the right choice of topics to keep your blog fresh and interesting.
When you start writing blog posts, you have to always keep the way people use the internet in mind. Most people don’t look for products by their full name, but rather, they usually go on search engines and describe their problems/ask questions. When you write content, you need to target key phrases like these:
- How is X done
- What to choose – X or Y?
- How long will X’s battery last?
- How much does X cost to maintain?
- Which is better: X or Y?
In follow up articles, we will try to expand on the issues raised above and present ways to effectively run a company blog, so keep checking us out!