SEO Press Review #22
Welcome to this week’s press review. It seems Google Webmasters is starting its own weekly roundup series on YouTube and you should definitely check it out. Sadly, though, that might put these weekly press reviews out of business in the future, but we’re still here!
Multiple H1 headings: how to handle them for SEO & accessibility?
H1 headings are an important element of every piece of content – the way and the frequency of its use in webpages is hotly debated by SEOs. Google Webmasters YouYube channel just put an end to that debate. They officially announced that Google doesn’t care if you use one H1 tag or multiple H1 tags on your website – what you need to focus on, instead, is how you present the content to your readers.
Read more: Multiple H1 Headings: How to Handle Them for SEO & Accessibility? [Google Webmasters]
Google Search News (Sept ’19) – changes in GSC, nofollow links, new meta tags, and more
Google Webmasters has decided to create a periodic news show where they relate all the changes and new projects the Google Webmasters team is working on. It can act as a great one-stop show to keep up with the platform and ensure you don’t miss any of the big changes happening at Google. In their first show, John Mueller talks about the changes Google has made to the Gooogle Search Console interface, the introduction to new ways you can define nofollow links, and much more. Watch the short video to learn more!
Read more: Google Search News (Sept ’19) – Changes in GSC, Nofollow Links, New Meta Tags, and More [Google Webmasters]
9 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Showing Up On Google (and How to Fix It)
Just making sure that your website is indexed by Google and shows up in the search engine result pages is a huge step towards increasing the organic traffic going to your site. If you’re starting your SEO strategy, the first thing you need to do is ensure your website actually shows up. All the website optimizations you’ll do and the content you’ll create will be meaningless otherwise. This article will help you get started setting up your website appropriately.
Read more: 9 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Showing Up On Google (and How to Fix It) [Ahrefs]
How We Grew Blog Traffic by 650% in Two Years — Organically
Growing organic traffic requires a lot of effort and patience – you need a comprehensive strategy encompassing link building, content creation, and marketing, and you need to stick to it to see reliable and measurable effects in your traffic. One of the best ways to learn how to devise your own strategy is to read up on others’ successful approaches and see how they’ve done it. To that effect, the experts at Moz have carefully documented their journey over the last two years and how they managed to increase the organic traffic to their blog by more than 650%.
Read more: How We Grew Blog Traffic by 650% in Two Years — Organically [Moz.com]
Google Review Stars Drop by 14%
Google recently announced that they’ll drop support for self-hosting reviews, and they’ll no longer show it on the SERP. This came as an attempt to limit self-serving and dishonest reviews prevalent on the web. Moz decided to research the effects of this announcement, and it found out that 14% of the webpages in their dataset had their reviews ignored. What’s more interesting is that websites related to some sectors were more affected than others. For example, the real estate and the finance sectors were both hit pretty hard both having 46% of their websites’ on-site reviews ignored. Sites related to ‘family and community’ and ‘food & groceries’ barely changed, however.
Read more: Google Review Stars Drop by 14% [Moz.com]
Facebook Group vs. Facebook Page: What’s Better for Your Brand?
It is paramount to participate in social media platforms if you have a business – promoting your business, building up brand recognition, and selling products can be facilitated through social media, and you need a comprehensive and effective strategy to make use of all the possible tools available to you. Facebook is the biggest social media platform, and businesses have two main ways to establish themselves on the platform – either through creating a page or a group, but the way forward isn’t clear. Which one is best for your business? Each has its pros and cons, and this article will go in-depth into both types and what’s best for your business.
Read more: Facebook Group vs. Facebook Page: What’s Better for Your Brand? [searchenginejournal.com]
How to Come up Press-worthy Content Ideas for Boring Niches
Coming up with exciting content is at the forefront of a good SEO strategy – in the course of your SEO career, you’ll have contracts with businesses from many different niches: niche technologies and small subcultures. It is hard to come up with sharable and exciting content for these kinds of businesses. This article will help you by showing you techniques you can use to come up with exciting content for niche topics.
Read more: How to Come up Press-worthy Content Ideas for Boring Niches
7 Quick Ways Every Startup Can Optimize SEO Without Breaking the Bank
SEO is vital for startups – you need a way to make sure people find out about your business, and people organically finding out about your business on search engines can be a great driver of growth. The main problem startups face is having a low budget. You can’t be lavish with your money and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on SEO. You need a unique approach that accounts for the smaller budget and the need for startups to build a brand for themselves from the ground. This article has 7 quick strategies you can quickly and cheaply implement to improve your SEO game and give your startup a boost.
Read more: 7 Quick Ways Every Startup Can Optimize SEO Without Breaking the Bank
This week’s press review focused on a few niche topics that don’t pertain to all SEOs, but if you work long enough in the industry, you’ll inevitably come face to face with them. In particular, learning search engine optimization for startups is particularly important, as building brand recognition and driving traffic to their websites are of primary concern to them.