How will Brexit affect your e-business?
Ever since the referendum of 2016, Brexit has been looming over the nation like a cloud just waiting to burst with lighting and torrential rain. For a long time, many of us didn’t know what to anticipate, with many a business owner being particularly anxious about what the future may bring. Now, with Brexit day approaching quickly, we know a lot more. We’re here to warn you about what’s to come, as well as extend a helping hand.
What’s in a domain?
Probably the most concerning change that Brexit brings to the table from the perspective of business owners is what happens to the .eu domain. Plenty of UK companies utilise domains with this ending, which means there is a big chance they will be affected if they don’t take the necessary measures beforehand.
As it turns out, the .eu domain is one of the few domains in the world that have a direct political correlation. All URLs under it are regulated by the EU, as a result of an agreement between the EU and ICANN. It goes without saying, then, that UK businesses will no longer be allowed to use it after Brexit day. This could have tremendous consequences for your business, to say the least.
What’s going to happen?
The details are still quite foggy. It is unknown whether there will be a transitionary period, or whether businesses will have a mere 48 hours left after Brexit to remove themselves from the domain. Should you fail to take any measures, people typing in your URL will simply get a failure message, rendering your business effectively invisible on the internet. Needless to say, this could be catastrophic for you. Emails utilising the .eu domain will face a similar fate, as they access the same DNS server, which means they will be prevented from doing so as of March 31st. Make no mistake, however – while the fine details of the process are still uncertain and the effects may be delayed for your particular website, this will happen.
A bit less certain is how exactly this will affect Google search rankings. The search engine titan has been pretty tight-lipped about whether or not they will provide users a safety net to mitigate most of the issues related to Brexit, so the only way to really ensure that your rankings stay on a high enough level is by preparing for a domain change ahead of time and implementing changes in a gradual manner.
Then there are also issues related with connectivity. Whether we’re talking about web-based services that utilise your email as an ID, security certificates, or cloud-based office applications, everything may be made more difficult, if not impossible once change happens and you’re unprepared.
What can I do about it?
While all these changes might sound scary, your business can still come out of this unscathed if you act fast and trust the best experts in the field. Here at Neadoo, we offer some of the best online marketing solutions for all businesses. With rich experience on the UK market, we know the situation closely, so we know exactly what to do to make your domain shift as natural as possible. All you have to do is pick a new domain name, and we’ll help you out with both the planning and implementation of your new strategy.
Want to learn more? Contact us today and get ready for the changes to come! Our expert will happily talk to you via skype to discuss the details of your domain change. Don’t waste a second – be ready for Brexit day!
If you’re in need of more information, feel free to contact one of our experts.
Click the button below and reserve a consultation date. We’ll call you then and explain exactly how you can prepare for the changes that Brexit will bring.