SEO Press Review #5
Top 25+ Viral Videos of All Time
Videos generate the most interactions among internet user, and it is a powerful tool that SEOs have to increase site visits and ranking. This article tries to identify the je ne sais quoi elements that all viral videos share. If you ever think about producing a video for SEO use, this article will work as a great starting point to give you a general idea on how to start creating videos.
Read more: Top 25+ Viral Videos of All Time [searchenginejournal.com]
How to Take Advantage of the Latest Updates to Google Search Console
Google finally rolled out the new Google Search Console update and have introduced some improvements and new features that come in handy to any media researcher and search engine optimizer. This article goes to a great length to describe and explain each new feature, and if you’re a person who uses the Google Search Console, you’ll find the article useful.
Read more: How to take Advantage of the Latest Updates to GSC [searchenginewatch.com]
How to Check for Duplicate Content to Improve Your Site’s SEO
Duplicate content is one of the major problems that hinder successful SEO campaigns and learning how to get around it is vital. This article helps you by diving in depth into the mechanics of how Google detects duplicate content.
Read more: How to Check of Duplicate Content [searchenginewatch.com]
DuckDuckGo proposes the “Do-Not-Track Act of 2019”
DuckDuckGo has been known to champion privacy and data protection since its conception, and in their latest effort in those are areas, they’ve drafted a law that forces companies to respect users’ choices regarding tracking location. You should read the article to learn more about the details of the draft law and its effects on the big search engines.
Read more: DuckDuckGo proposes the “Do-Not-Track Act of 2019” [searchengineland.com]
Instagram to Let Creators Tag Products in Posts
Product marketing is the main way content creators make money there, and Instagram is trying to facilitate the process more for its creators by allowing them to tag the products they’re sponsoring. The effects of such a move aren’t quite clear yet, read the article to learn more.
Tips to lower brand CPC for greater profitability
Cost per click is one of the most important metrics you can keep track of during a campaign. It is important to get the brand out there and increase traffic, but there’s no need to pay a higher CPC if your campaign can be as effective without it. This article looks into the economics that goes into determining CPC and how you can optimize the cost.
Read more: Tips to lower brand CPC [searchenginewatch.com]
Some April Google Search Console data lost, manual actions disappeared
Google recently rolled out the long-awaited new Google Search Console. While it has a lot of great qualities and makes a lot of tasks easier, it is no surprise that some bugs occurred. A dangerous one being that most data collected through the Search Console has been corrupted for some users. This article goes in depth into the causes of the issue and its effects.
Read more: Some April GSC data lost [searchengineland.com]
7 SEO best practices you should be doing regardless of what Google says
Google has close to 90% of the search engine market, and as a big company, they need to maintain their image and only recommend politically-correct practices in the SEO arena. But whether Google recommends it or not, these 7 practices will help you during an SEO campaign.
Read more: Best SEO practices you should be doing regardless of what Google says [searchengineland.com]
Diggity Marketing SEO News Roundup — April 2019
This article is by a pioneering SEO firm in the US, they look in detail at the most important news of last month with commentary from experts in the field. You’ll learn what news experts care about and read the significant developments of last month. A must read for any SEO who wants to stay on top of the field.
Read more: Diggity Marketing SEO News Roundup – April 2019 [diggitymarketing.com]
10 Ways to Get Google to Index Your Site (That Actually Work)
Indexing your website is the first step you need to take to have a functional SEO. If Google isn’t indexing a website, it is pretty much invisible across all Google platforms. This is why when indexing doesn’t happen, it causes a lot of headache and anxiety for SEOs. This article tells you about 10 sure-fire ways of getting Google to index your website.
How to Improve SEO: 8 Tactics That Don’t Require New Content
Writing content is, oftentimes, the bottleneck of an SEO campaign. It takes a lot of time to research, write, and optimize a piece of content to be just right for a website. That’s why it is good to look for ways that help your ranking without new content, and this article shows you 8 tactics to do just that.
Read more: How to Improve SEO [ahrefs.com]
We hope you enjoyed the collection of articles this week. They were well-written and researched. The tactical approach to SEO that permeates through most of these articles should give you a new perspective on how to look at a campaign.