What is Evergreen Content?
There’s no one, definitive way to write valuable content. You can go the topical route and write content that deals with current trends, guaranteeing that it will reach people right now – but not necessarily forever. But then there’s the path of evergreen content, which offers much better long-term results.
As the name would suggest, evergreen content is meant to stay fresh and relevant for readers for a long time. Finding that gold standard might seem like a difficult task, but it’s really not that hard when you get right down to it. You simply have to keep in mind that the content you’re creating is meant to be sustainable and lasting.
These are the key issues here as, contrary to what you might believe, even though articles and blog posts don’t disappear, they don’t necessarily stay relevant for a long time past their publication. Content like news articles, statistics, as well as seasonal and fad articles, are usually very frequently browsed shortly after their publication, but lose a lot of that momentum afterwards, simply because they no longer hold any relevance to the reader.
The most distinguishing feature of evergreen content is that it will retain its initial value in the long term. Think about pieces such as lists, tips, product reviews, tutorials. All of those usually involve content that will most likely remain relevant for years to come. Still, the format itself is no guarantee that your content will be evergreen, but it’s a good way to start.
When it comes to the subject matter of evergreen articles, you should of course write within the area of your business, but it’s also important to remember that your content is more likely to remain relevant if it is more general rather than focusing on details. As long as you keep a unique viewpoint, you can make sure your evergreen article still qualifies as quality content.
Evergreen content is an incredibly effective way to boost your performance, but the key to the most effective content marketing is combining it with SEO techniques, such as basing your articles around keywords that you want your site to rank on. Adding to that, stick to the general tips that apply to writing quality content – don’t write for experts, avoid convoluted, technical explanations, and link posts together.